Thursday, December 31, 2009

school textbook

The Word of Thy Kong

The world at one time was nothing but pudding. God looked down upon his creation and thought "I can't eat all this pudding" he looked in the mirror and a image of bill cosby our lord and savior appeared. With a face shimmering with kindness he smiled, opened his mouth and all of the things of the world today fell out of his mouth. In those bountiful amount of things that came out of God's mother was Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong should be idled for thy Kong is thy Bomb. Donkey Kong was the first being ever it was created by nothing and shall be worshipped by all. Everytime some one mentions Donkey Kong you must obey and say "Kong is thy Bomb". Kong only asks of us for 10 simple tasks:
1. Do not eat thy bananas for thy bananas are for thy Kong
2. Do not praise other Kongs for he is the only Kong.
3. Do not kill other humans for it is wrong. Ya Know?
4-10. You must sing the Kong Song 6 times while standing on the top of a tree beating your chest. singing "Kong is thy Bomb"
That is the word of the Kong.
From, John 3

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