Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Era of Hero

Welcome to a new decade. A period of discovery, of achievement, of mystery. Within this decade, like every decade anticeeding it, there is the need for a hero. You need someone who will answer the call of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With new eras, come new changes. With new changes come changes even within the super hero realms. With the dawning of a new decade i propose the dawning of a new band of superheroes: (to be subsequently turned into Marvel movies for the benefits of the Tingy Wingy blog creators and to the fund for improved superheroes).
1. The huge pelvic womans son- she's got a giant pelvis and this baby with a giant brain comes out, Mars Attacks! head. He even looks like one of those aliens. And for this reason people hate him. And they, in time, gather outside his house with torches and pitchforks, but the love of his mother saves him. She suckles him on her tite and sends him down the river in a thatch raft. She then sacrafices herself to the mob in order to ensure her sons getaway and the solace that through death she will inspire her son to a greater being. The baby has a huge head and grows up looking sickly and alien and everyone gives him crap in school. He ends up having a brain aneuriysm when he sees his first nipple.
School Textbook for Sixth Graders
Chapter Two

The God's of the First Epoch

In that time the lands were filled with many peoples, boasting many deitites. In this land were the realms of Augustine of Antilock, Barbiduabose of Trinta and, Mecadousa of Intithion. There god's Dickus Primus, Tuberculous Maximus, and Ball Sack all battled for sway and obedience. Dickus Primus was represented in the sky by the two largest stars horizontal to each other and all the stars in between going southern. Tuberculous was all the diseases that plagued everything in the villages, Ball Sack was all the faiths ballsacks. Men and women alike praised the ball sac. But then one day the ball sack was forgotten, and people began turning to cruelity, evil, and false god. The ball sack while still remaining present in everyday life became a subject of taboo, the true power of its worship untapped by the lost children of the world. then one day a child was born of a slut in the poshist hotel in land .

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