Tuesday, February 17, 2009

idea for our next documentary

for far to long our existance has been left up to the forces of nature. Natural disasters have killed millions--sunamis and tornadoes kill people and the things they build such as minature golf courses and lego castles. Weather thats too cold, or too hot, or too windy, or too muggy, or too sunny, or too frosty has left us (and our nipples) with no choice but to run into our little shelters only to look out our window and see a tidal wave about to come crashing our way. Now there is a group of brave citizens that hope to deal with these problems that have plagued mankind in a novel way. They will use the old art of martial arts to counterattack the forces of nature. They will track down tornadoes and run at them with karate kicks and yell things that the characters from mortal kombat and street fighter yell. They will fight the heat long into the night until it cools down and act like it was there fighting that caused the heat to go away. They will stand at beach shores dressed at nijas kicking the incoming waves for hours. and while they fight there battle they will also go door to door asking people to join there cause.

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