Friday, March 27, 2009

new post speaking of things in the year 2009

it is the year 2009 and a lot of things are in the air. and by air i mean the empty space that surrounds us that scientists tell us is oxygen. but when you look into the sky at night and realize we are in an inconcievable universe with burning balls trillions of light years away its hard to take anything seriously. what does it even mean if evolution of organic life could lead to us blogging. what are we supposed to do with the fact that science suggests all life evolved...which clearly seems to make sense when you hear about virsuses and bacteria and viruses that infect bacteria, and these little tiny cells that live at the bottom of the ocean for no reason at all except evolution explains there need not be any reason life exists were it will and it will nourish the resources whereever. its only because on land within the circumstances there was enough competition that an arms race of competition took place and over billions of years here we are. but what should we do. well i guess just try to make our way in the culture we are born. are brains crave things like status when we have all of our neccesities such as food water and shelter, so to satisfy our brains and be happy we must find ways in which our status among our peers will be at least at a respectable level. one may say that they care not at all about the way others percieve them but no one is immune from such pressure. no one wants to be a failure. even if i dont care i dont want my parents to have to say there child is a homeless bum who cares for nothing. even if it doesnt mean anything id rather just accept the fact that its cool we even have a minute moment of saying holy shit there is a universe and we can just chill for a while...most organism can never enterain anything romotely close to such a thought. but i like beer becuase all of a sudden my brain is like hooray beer. why, i dont know because beer exploits the same receptors that were supposed to be used for reward in the brain. in order to direct offspring towards cirtain behaviors it was neccesary to have them experience pleasure during the performance of these behaviros. drugs exploit these pathways in the brain. hooray hooray

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