Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In A Place As Mortifying As This...

The First In A Series Of Guest Blogs By:
Marty Pendleton

Reporting From


Well, well whose this? If it isn't Anubis asking me to produce forth my heart so he can determine my worthiness to enter the realm of the dead. Hmmm unworthy you say? Eternal damnnation you propose? It seems as though your surley ways have caught up to you Mr. Pendleton. Yessiree. Oh, hello there! How do you do? Pain and Panic I presume, the faithful servants of Hades. Oh no I'm not long am I here for? Well all eternity from what I can gather. Would I like to begin my endless cycle through Daunte's 9 circles of hell? Erm, what do I do there? Spend the first 10 centuries repeatedly flogged all whilst a buzzard picks out my insides only to have them replenished just to have them picked out again? Heyy now just a second what kind of place is thi......AHHHHHHHH

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