Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Idea

Whenever I pick up my phone from now on, regardless of whose on the other line, I'm going to answer by saying, "Are you willing to cooperate now?"

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Be Rocking A Hampster Operated Television Unit

"With my hampster wheel powered TV, I get two or three channels in very shitty definition."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In A Place As Mortifying As This...

The First In A Series Of Guest Blogs By:
Marty Pendleton

Reporting From


Well, well whose this? If it isn't Anubis asking me to produce forth my heart so he can determine my worthiness to enter the realm of the dead. Hmmm unworthy you say? Eternal damnnation you propose? It seems as though your surley ways have caught up to you Mr. Pendleton. Yessiree. Oh, hello there! How do you do? Pain and Panic I presume, the faithful servants of Hades. Oh no I'm not long am I here for? Well all eternity from what I can gather. Would I like to begin my endless cycle through Daunte's 9 circles of hell? Erm, what do I do there? Spend the first 10 centuries repeatedly flogged all whilst a buzzard picks out my insides only to have them replenished just to have them picked out again? Heyy now just a second what kind of place is thi......AHHHHHHHH

All views and opinions expressed in this column are of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of this website or its sponsors.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shaping the Blog

Things to think about (incorporate) in the blog/flourishing business models in recession

An Economic


By Connor Fleming

The last five commercials I saw had something to do with the recession and I thought, if these companies are talking about the recession but still have enough revenue to advertize on TV they must be doing well, even flourishing in the crisis, they're business models of the now: snickers, dave and busters, miracle whip, and inventhelp for inventors. This could be what our future is as a society: cheap candy that satisfies our hunger or "dehungerizes" us. A modern kind of medival carnival act where we get cheap deep fried food and get digital entertainment at one place aka Dave and Busters, Miracle Whip...which will just still be around and will be the main condiment for all food, and Inventors: the only people who dont sit around at dave and busters eating snickers covered in miracle whip when they're not working for their company of employment (Snickers, dave and busters, or miracle whip). But the inventors in this society are all like the mad scientists of the medival period and alchemists who believed in the dark arts because they're just about as dumb as the rest of the society they were raised in. Enter: The protaganist.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

break it down for us tom jackson

its the year 2200. society has lost its moral compass because of the gays and grandtheft auto.  want evidence just take a look at some of the the nfl team names:
The New York 911s
The New Jersey Aushwitz
The Colorado Columbines: first 100 hundreds kids that show up get shot
Similar theme to the idea to the movie idiocracy but this is a fully functioning society with no morals-this movie is currently in preproduction.  could be a satire of how old people always think things will go to shit by taking it to the extreme.  

Saturday, October 3, 2009


i love that song


War has broken in the East! Kim Jong-il and North Korea have invaded South Korea encountering staunch South Korean resistance! Exclusive GOGT video:

3 Things

This is a new segment where I share three things with the reader (you) that I think you will enjoy.

1. Watchmen
Go to borders and get this book. No questions asked. I'm reading it for my Topics in Graphic Novels class and its incredible.

2. FIFA 10

3. Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness

Friday, October 2, 2009